Banking Application


The mobile app is created to enable users to take charge of their finances using advanced technology, and it provides both banking services and the ability to exchange digital assets. Boasting over 3 million users and still growing, this platform provides a smooth and safe means of managing your funds, whether you're interested in investing in digital currencies, simplifying your banking processes, or discovering innovative approaches to enhance your financial situation.


  • Buying/selling crypto for FIAT currency
  • Buying/selling crypto for another crypto
  • Receiving cash back for your non-crypto transactions in crypto
  • Scheduling payments
  • Monitoring price changes in real-time
  • Checking historical price trends for you to extrapolate potential market growth or decline
  • Creating custom alerts to track the price and notify when it reaches the defined level


  • TypeScript, JavaScript, React, Node.js, NestJS, Redis, Docker
  • MySQL, GraphQL, Knex, Flutter, Dart, WebSocket, AWS

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