NFT market and Swapping


FlexiSwap is a decentralized NFT swap platform built on Ethereum. It allows users to easily exchange NFTs without intermediaries, using a unique pricing algorithm based on market demand and historical sales data. FlexiSwap aims to address the liquidity issue in the NFT market by providing a user-friendly and secure platform for NFT trading.


  • Opportunity to create the Wish List of NFT and NFT collections.
  • Opportunity to swap NFT collections (Multichain)
  • Opportunity to create counteroffers for the current propositions
  • Swapping opportunities for searching and filtering
  • Opportunity to add tokens to the swapping deals
  • Opportunity for the automatic matching with other NFTs on NFT marketplaces
  • Support of other standards (ERC20, ERC1155)
  • A notification system based on EPNS


  • Typescript, Solidity, AssemblyScript, React, Node.js, Hardhat
  • Nest.js, GraphQL, Apollo Federations, AWS, Alchemy, Docker
  • MetaMask, OpenZeppelin, ethers.js, ERC165, ERC721

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