QA Services at Outsource

The Manual Testing plays a vital role in software application development. While doing manual testing activity, the tester needs to be creative & patient. Testers need to play a role of the end user & execute all the test cases as per the end user's point of view.

The main goal of ComeTec company is to make sure that the application under test is defect free and software application is working as per the requirements specification document.

QA engineers involved from the start of project. Our engineers create testing plan, gather requirements, do requirement and design testing, and create test cases and checklists. The mission is to identify bugs – to find the differences between actual and expected results. Every implemented feature has to be carefully tested, for the final product to meet client’s requirements.

Free consultation

We advise choosing the right technology and strategies for developing a new product.

Let's arrange a short phone or video call? We will listen to your wishes and select a team of professionals to implement the product.

Performance Testing Services

Performance testing is a non-functional method of software testing that determines stability, speed, scalability, and responsiveness under the workload. Without performance testing, it is impossible to ensure software quality.

The purpose of such testing is to determine the application's load limits, the maximum number of users, and the volume of requests.

Load Testing Services

Load testing mainly applies to multi-user systems built using a web server model. We expose the system as if it was used by multiple users and check the robustness of the system against this exposure.

Stress Testing Services

Stress testing determines the ability of the system to operate under stressful conditions, that is beyond the expected limits of its capabilities.

Endurance testing

Endurance testing is done to see if the system can withstand the maximum load over a long period of time. Such tests also determine the amount of memory consumed

Automated Testing

Test automation is a fast and a reliable way to shorten testing time without quality reduction.

Benefits of Automation testing:

  • Increase productivity
  • Save money
  • Increase software quality
  • Reduce testing time
  • Support for various applications
  • Increase testing coverage
  • Reduction of repetitive work
  • Greater consistency

ComeTec provides test automation to increase efficiency and test coverage. We automate cross-browser, cross-platform, regression, functional, smoke, sanity and UI tests. Our experienced engineers provide different types of automation testing including web (user interface and functionality), mobile (native and hybrid applications) and API using the latest tools and frameworks.


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Let us deliver the talent and expertise to help you solve it
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