Dedicated Development Team

Software development is a rather complicated process: creating a software product with fairly well-defined characteristics, performed with acceptable quality, within the allotted budget, and within the required time frame requires constant coordination of many activities between numerous specialists in collaboration.

This is where the dedicated team model comes to the rescue. What is at the heart of a dedicated development team? Let's look into it.

We explain the dedicated team model's benefits. We will also explain in what scopes its team model works and how the ComeTec uses it to provide the best experience.

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What is a dedicated team model?

Hiring a dedicated team is a convenient compromise that helps create a quality product. The name of this model speaks for itself. It means that the client hires an assembled experts group to take over their project. The main difference with the extended team model is that it is a separate work group with structures.

A dedicated team or development center is a strategy for attracting IT-developers to a project. This is an ideal way to close the need for employees "here and now".

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When to choose the dedicated team model?

The ComeTec company has a dedicated team for the project, covering the basic needs and requirements of the customer: analyst, marketer, designer, quality specialist, and copywriter. Each of them works in their own direction. As a result, the customer receives a very high-quality product. This model is typically used for prolonged business endeavors where specifications are unclear and change frequently.

Below we will describe in more detail which industries are turning to use dedicated team models.

  1. Business With Ambiguous Specifications

    When your idea doesn't fit your usual product and market and needs a discovery phase, a specialized group of experts is just what you need. Learning all the nuances and features before moving on to the project's development can take too much time, leading to a significant loss of the most valuable time resource.

    Its model under consideration frees up time and resources for you to pay attention to the study phase without fear of overspending.

  2. Fresh with Undisclosed Potential Startups


    Startup outsourcing is an opportunity for young businessmen to overcome various difficulties as quickly as possible without distracting them from their main business tasks. If your new business idea has the potential to succeed, then this is the best option for you.

    In this case, finding a dedicated team can be a great option. For a startup product, speed is also crucial: with such experts, you can be sure that the work will be done efficiently and in the shortest possible time.

  3. Business for a Long Period

    If you have a long-term project, it will be more beneficial (at least financially) to hire a dedicated team to work on it.

    Its model under consideration is an ideal option in long-term software development when the current development plan involves additional resources and the use of new technologies. Group members will support you and the project all the way.

    long-term project

Benefits of Dedicated Development Teams

The main advantage of dedicated development teams: is an easy start with high scalability. The ability to manage its human capital more intelligently, to direct specialists to essential and strategic tasks, such as market research, development of new projects and products, analysis, expertise, and technical research, mainly aimed at corporate decision-making are the main features of the dedicated team model implementation in a company.

The enumerated features of its model lead to several competitive advantages:

  1. The best experts selected specifically for you.

    ComeTec recruits only the best experts for its company. This way, you can be sure that the contract developers have the necessary skills and that they will be able to fit into your core team.

  2. Always in touch.

    There is no "employee-employer" labor relationship between ComeTec members and the customer, which is typical for traditional standardized communication. However, the hired specialists will always be in touch with you under your guidance and management. You communicate directly with the IT-developers.

  3. Stable price of services.

    The flexibility of payment methods in this business relationship model is a significant advantage. When concluding a deal with the group of experts, the client will negotiate a monthly payment amount. This will allow you to distribute the client's further budget, as the price (costs) will be fixed.

  4. Stability.

    Clear deadlines with no deviations from internal processes are one of the main benefits of any outsourcing. You can start a complete revolution in your office, but your project will not be stopped or paused. These guys will continue to move the client closer to his goal as he restructures his team environment. In addition, you can let the staff go on vacation, hire new full-time staff, lay off employees, and be confident that the project will be delivered on time.

  5. Complete focus on the project goals.

    Work flexibility is crucial for hired IT experts. The essential advantage of working with its business model is that a remote specialist is not limited by time and can do more than a full-time employee.

  6. The ability to focus on other important projects and tasks.

    A dedicated structure allows developers and managers to better and more productively manage time, starting with development and production. Thus, there is a significant reduction in workload with the adequate division of responsibilities and professionalization of processes, which directly affects productivity.

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How does ComeTec set up a dedicated development team?

The dedicated team model consists of a team of multidisciplinary professionals to fully serve the learning and business solutions:

  1. Project Manager
  2. Pedagogical Designer
  3. Reviewer
  4. Art Director
  5. Illustrator
  6. Web Designer

Clients can choose the resources they need or a fully dedicated team. However, it is important to have a vendor who knows how to create the best team for your corporate education strategy, optimizing your dedicated team to solve the problems your company needs. ComeTec is exactly that.

At this stage, the successful ComeTec has assembled a group of qualified and motivated professionals to work on your project. Here are the criteria that were used to select:

  1. Profitability - the estimated return on investment for this project;
  2. Quality and service - the ComeTec specialists has the skills and experience to deliver high-quality products and services;
  3. Skill development - the opportunity for a team member to develop skills on the project;
  4. Morale and motivation - the psychological conditions for working on this project.

The process of hiring a team consists of several steps:

  1. Finding the right candidate.

  2. Interviewing with a potential ComeTec team member.

  3. Receiving a trial assignment and its completion by the candidate after communication.

  4. After the successful completion of the assignment, it's straightforward to get an agreement to cooperate.

Each one of ComeTec employee goes through this step-by-step necessary selection process.

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Industries of our expertise

We have delivered solutions for clients hailing from diverse industry verticals

  • Art Galleries

    Art Galleries
  • HealthCare

  • WP Development

    WP Development
  • Eventing/Ticketing

  • Cryptocurrency

  • E-Commerce

  • Finance

  • Logistics


How to hire a dedicated development team?

An outsourcing company needs to consist of the best specialists who successfully perform the assigned tasks. ComeTec takes a careful and responsible approach to them selection. Here are some essential skills that ComeTec looks for when hiring a programmer:

  • Ability to code in common programming languages such as JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, CSS, Ruby, Golang, Python, and C#;
  • Basic understanding of data science and data structures;
  • Familiarity with backend development and databases such as SQL and NoSQL;
  • Cloud computing skills for platforms such as Amazon Web Service, Google Cloud Platform, and Microsoft Azure;
  • Mastery of software development tools;
  • Ability to think logically and critically along with problem-solving skills;
  • Ability to communicate and collaborate effectively and productively with colleagues and customers;
  • Acceptance of responsibility for mistakes and ability to learn from them;
  • Ability to review volumes of code and spot minor errors or deficiencies.

We have already described to you the stages of hiring specialists for the ComeTec and so above you can read about some of the criteria that influence the selection of IT specialists for the company.

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